To WPengine management

 12 July

  1. "Your request to cancel this account has been submitted."
  2. I am 79 and age is catching up with me. Memory and attention span specifically. That means less ability to follow the very complicated structure of wpengine. source
  3. working since 5 June 6 days per week at c 5 hours a day  =   c 30 x 6 hours have led to this negative outcome
  4. four chat sessions and one video  sessions have produced nothing
  5. > several times I asked chatterers to send this website to management - zero response

< 12 July

Once anyone from WPe has realised the situation of needing "managed WordPress hosting to get started" should I choose the cheapest option here.  It is what I thought I would receive.  I interpret that as a do-list.  Open this, do that, add this, save and view.

July customer listening sessions

We want to learn about your experiences with WP Engine.    Etc


1  I am glad there is a 60-day cash-back condition'

2 I am determined that WPe will succeed hence this website.

3 The support system is good but I still cannot find the admin page which lists pages and posts.

Sessions booked for 20:30 ??? 8 July and  14:30  15 July.  


Sent email to Bri Landry with the URL for this page on 7 July 18:50 and the question in capitals above.      UPDATE 12 July   She and I are due another session on Weds 15 July

The Home page of the website should please resemble this.  

Note that the image is screen-width and narrow by intention.


This section is about the Home page I wanted with an image of stars with white text on it.

Two advisers said they cannot fix it.  I later downloaded a different template.  A WPe training need has been identified.  My training need involves find the template stored in the wpengine system.  See 22.

  1. I do not expect to ask a question and be told "We are not developers.  Here is a link to help the query xxxx."  Or words to that effect. 
  2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------QUOTES --------------
  3.  (04:06:49) Jaimie L.: So unfortunately as we're not devs here I'm not able to provide support for content creation/writing code - that said let me see if I can find you some resources that may help you get that contact info replaced.  
  4. (04:13:12) Jaimie L.: Regarding the code issue - here's a link to codeable, with whom we've partnered so that our customers can get dev support when they need it:   
  5. I found out later that Codeable experts follow pricing guidelines of $70-$120 USD per hour and estimates are based on the scope of work (approx. # of hours), complexity and urgency of a project.
  6. (10:29:12) ANOTHER DEV ISSUE 
  7. WPengine asks me to pay extra - not likely at my level of competence and confidence! 
  8. Nick R.: Im not seeing a specific setting to make image cover the entire background like that. That will most likely require custom CSS code for the theme. Im not quite sure how to code that though, as development work is outside of our scope of support.   here  (10:29:12)
  9. -----------------------------------------------------END OF THOSE QUOTES_________________
  10. Transcripts
  11. (04:19:07) Jaimie L.: If that's all for today, I'll get those transcripts out to you as soon as we close out this chat
  12. (04:19:17) alanf Harrison: received one transcript by email - illegible
  13. (04:19:40) Jaimie L.: Can you show me what you're seeing in that chat transcript?
  14. (04:20:10) Jaimie L.: There's not much I can do about the readability on my end, but I can make a note of it and pass on any feedback to my team for sure  further to the quote What will change as a result of my comment?   Update 4 July - the transcript here was better at the email stage
  15.  source of comments here. 

  16. To remind us that we are looking at this page and the focus is inserting links above the stars image.  The two chat staff have been consistent that they can do nothing and suggested paying out to try to solve the problem.
  17. A - management could give the topic attention
  18. B - one obvious solution is to look for and suggest another template.
  19. C - one of you should test the suggested link.
  20.   SEEMS TO ME TO BE a possible SOLUTION
  21. However, I want the text to go on the left as identified and not as large.  Perhaps you have a better solution.
  22. here is an image from within WP which is near to what I want 
  23.       The links are above it which is the best I have seen bit too much white space.
  24. A similar page (or post?) which has a much-reduced screen shot.  How does one remove that?

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